Courses & Capacity Building
Thinking systemically, communicating effectively, creating shared vision, resolving conflicts, building team: these skills are essential to accomplishing your goals. All of our courses provide you and your team with solid new tools to get the job done.
We provide content rich, interactive, dynamic courses in all of the above skill sets. These courses are tailored to your specific needs. We’ve been excelling in capacity building for more than three decades working with organizations and leaders in every sector, and around the world. Join us to make a leap in your capacity to lead.

“Oh my you were stellar in the Leaders for a New Climate course. So real, so accessible, so knowledgeable. I would not have wanted to be anyplace else. Together, we can make an even bigger difference…I really got that this week!”
“Seed Systems’ design for learning and sustainability is masterful. They bring a unique blend of skills, knowledge and commitment to this work.”
“I felt very fortunate to be part of that experience, with two masters driving the ship. And what a great group you guys attracted in the class. The mix of the personal, “soft” skills (collaboration, personal mastery, engagement styles, etc.) with the technical (mapping, feedback loops, stocks & flows, programming, etc.) was powerful. Thank you!”
All the following courses can be offered virtually or in person at our Rural Oasis
To design your customized course contact us here.

Systems Thinking
Want to build your organization’s capacity to turn Systems Thinking insights into powerful action? We have a proven 2-day course to accelerate your ability to understand Systems and to put that new knowledge into action immediately.

Authentic Leadership From the Inside Out
This course strengthens your personal Vision, Mission, and Purpose in an integrated way- flowing from your deepest desires and highest aspirations. We will explore how you show up- and sometimes fail to show up- with integrity and accountability in your leadership and your life. And you will learn and practice how to recognize and use emotional energy as fuel for action, awareness, acceptance, connection and growth in the workplace.

Couples Work
Vision, Mission and Passion in Relationship
Are you and your partner seeking compelling vision, meaningful mission, and profound passion in your relationship? Do you find yourself repeating old patterns of conflict or boredom again and again, wearing your love and commitment thin? Join us to renew vitality, inspiration, and love in your relationship.

Inner Landscape
Inner Landscapes workshops and retreats focus on the territory within your mind, heart and soul. This is for many of us, the ultimate frontier- getting to know and master the depths of our own being. Our programs gently guide you through your inner world, as you engage with life’s challenges and your own unique purpose in a supportive, peaceful, natural setting.
© 2023 Seed Systems