Beyond the Stigma: A Mother’s perspective on her Mental Health
You may know me as a small business owner who works with global corporations and governments to bring about effective, lasting, sustainable change. People who have worked with me know me as an energetic, progressive-minded, forward-thinking, spiritually grounded...
Healing the Universe is an Inside Job—Mindwalk the Movie
“[Remember] the unadulterated political joy that millions of Americans felt 13 years ago when Barack Obama was elected the nation's first Black president. They also feel like quaint snapshots of what seems now like another country,” CNN wrote as Obama turned 60.” As...
Eileen Fisher’s Sustainability Design Team: The people and culture who put systems thinking into action
Note: This post is a companion piece to this case study on Eileen Fisher and our systems thinking approach. That story lays out the building blocks for change that led us to the creation of the Sustainability Design Team. Eileen Fisher’s culture was like none I’d ever...
Systems Thinking in Action: The Eileen Fisher Story
We were at an intensive workshop on sustainability in 2013 ago with Sara Schley. She turned to me and said, ‘Eileen, they need you to commit to this’ I stood up and said, ‘Yes, we have to do this!’ That was a turning point for me and for the company. As seemingly...
Trust After Trauma
Welcome back to Work Harassment in the Sex Place, a series where we explore what it means to work passionately with the one you’re passionate about. We’ve covered a lot of ground already—from discrimination to dismantling your defense mechanisms. If you’re just...
Finding Light and Love Through Shadow Work®
Welcome back to Work Harassment in the Sex Place, a series where we explore what it means to work passionately with the one you’re passionate about. In Part 1, we talked about traveling and working as partners, and all the pros, cons, and gendered misconceptions that...
Women are Treated Differently in the Workplace
Welcome back to Work Harassment in the Sex Place, a series where we explore what it means to work passionately with the one you’re passionate about. If you missed our series introduction, you might want to read that before digging in here and hearing how women are...
Build Back Better with Balance
Let me start by telling you a little about me. I’ve been successfully running my own small business, a corporate consulting company called Seed Systems since 1994. Seed’s mission is to create a regenerative, inclusive and kind world, via coaching, consulting, and...
Couples in Business During Covid Crisis
Maintaining a healthy relationship under the stresses of day-to-day living is difficult under any circumstances. Now add the fact that you are in business together with your spouse and the livelihood for your whole family depends on the success of your company. Is...
Work Harassment in the Sex Place
It’s our monthly corporate finance meeting and we’re seated at the round oak table, going over spreadsheets of profit and loss, accounts receivable, revenue projections, taxes. I’m fully clicked into left-brain—since we have to do this finance thing, I might as well...
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